Sex, Soul Ties and Jezebel’s Seducing Spirit
How does this spirit create soul ties? When Jezebel releases the spirit of seduction a “spiritual force” is released against your mind, imagination, and emotions. Just as a fisherman may use various baits and lures so does the Jezebel spirit. Her baits and lures are all seductive in nature. Seduction is the bait that leads to a soul tie. You are the fish.The purpose of the seduction is to create soul ties that can be used to control you. A soul tie is a spiritual or emotional attachment to another person. In this case the bond is with a demonic spirit called Jezebel. Soul ties can be created in a myriad of ways such as:
- Sexual relationships
- Emotional manipulation
- Shared life experiences
- Personal tragedies
- Loss of a loved one
- Flattery of the prideful
- Consoling another
- Reaching out to the lonely
- Agreeing with Jezebel’s offenses, hurts, wounds, and unforgiveness towards those in authority or leadership.
- Financial crisis.
Here is the testimony of a man struggling with Jezebel's soul ties.
“I am with a wonderful and godly woman
that is everything I have ever wanted. I love her and would give my life
for hers without a second thought. I struggle with imaginations,
however, from another relationship with a cold hearted abusive woman. I
need help. I can’t get this other woman out of my head and out of my
heart. A relative gave me a prayer that helps me get a little relief and
regain control of my mind but the relief doesn’t last very long before
my mind returns to this other woman.”
This man is still under the control (spell) of the Jezebel spirit.
There is something in him, the soul ties with that spirit, which needs
to be broken. This is an example of the bewitching powers of the Jezebel
spirit. You can hear the desperation in his voice. He has been seduced,
bewitched, and taken captive in his emotions. The Soul ties that have been created and need to be broken in prayer by the delivering power of the Holy Ghost. He must repent, renounce, forgive, and cry out to God for deliverance. Notice again what he wrote, “I can’t get this other woman out of my head.” Here is another example controlling soul ties.
"I almost left my husband for someone
with a Jezebel spirit. I didn't realize how the spirit of seduction
could get such a strong hold over my mind. I was an easy person to
control while growing up always being told what I could and could not do
in my life. During my encounter with Jezebel’s seduction I got to the
point where I couldn't even think straight, my judgment was clouded and
things I used to be able to do I couldn't do anymore. My marriage has
been restored and we just celebrated thirty one years of marriage. I
still have trouble with my mind and pray for complete restoration."
This woman almost lost a wonderful marriage to the Jezebel spirit.
Here again we see soul ties created and Jezebel’s witchcraft released
against someone’s mind. In both these examples soul ties was created by
the Jezebel spirit. Jezebel is a seducing spirit that found something
inside these people to bond with. Jezebel is the seducing goddess of
war. As already said it’s soul ties that are the cords that the Jezebel
spirit wraps around her victims.BEWITCHED BY THE STRANGE WOMAN'S SOUL TIES
Paul used the term bewitched to describe demonic influence of soul ties. Paul wrote, “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you?” (Galatians 3:1). Bewitched, Greek baskainō, means to be charmed with words. Just as the strange woman uses flattering words to capture its victim so do the Jezebel seducing spirits. The seducing goddess of war uses enticing words to sweeten you up.
“To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words.” (Proverbs 2:16)
“For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil.” (Proverbs 5:3)
“And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?” (Proverbs 5:20)
“To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.” (Proverbs 6:24)
“That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.” (Proverbs 7:5)
The spirit of Jezebel can’t deceive you without seducing you first. To accomplish that goal she will use several spirits in her network including the seducing spirit.
There are several demonic pneuma spirits mentioned in scripture
including: Pneuma poneron, an evil spirit (Acts 19:15). Pneuma python, a
python spirit or spirit of divination (Acts 16:16). Pneuma astheneias,
the spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11). Pneuma alalon, a dumb spirit, one
without speech (Mark 9:17). Pneuma akathartos, an unclean spirit (Mark
1:23). Pneuma plana, a seducing spirit or spirit of error (1 Timothy
4:1).Christ did not ignore demonic spirits, he cast them out. Christ never taught his followers to ignore demonic spirits. He modeled the way for us regarding confrontations with demon powers and healing the sick. Scripture declares, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). The Jezebel spirit and her unholy network is included.
Pneumata plana is a seducing spirit or a spirit of error. Scripture says, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1). The Jezebel spirit can lure one into sexual sin but also into scriptural error and idolatry. Peneumata plana, the seducing spirit, is also known as the spirit of error. It means…- To cause to stray.
- To lead astray.
- To lead into error.
- To deceive.
- To fall away from truth.
This woman was raised with a Jezebel mother that used the bible to manipulate and make her feel guilty. Look for the words injured and damaged.
“The Jezebel spirit injured my life. It's
was like a tornado and a hurricane put together that left me damaged on
the inside. To me the hardest thing was breaking free from her web of
deception. My mom had a Jezebel spirit and used the Bible to make me
feel guilty if I didn’t do what she wanted. I don’t hate my mom and
still show her love and respect but now I know what’s at work. It helps
to remember we're not fighting against flesh and blood but the Jezebel
spirit. I've been doing studying about family curses and declaring they
will not affect my kids or grandkids.”
Jezebel targets the ignorant, the spiritually weak, the hurting,
wounded, offended, the lonely, even the corrected rebellious. Jezebel
works in spiritual deception and guile to advance her own agenda. If she
needs to get religious and use the bible against you she will.EUNUCHS OF JEZEBEL'S SOUL TIES
As already said the spirit of Jezebel forms soul ties with her victims while working her demonic plan. The control of others gives her a sense of value and satisfaction. To the Jezebel spirit people are only tools used to advance her demonic agenda. Eunuchs are “tied” to Jezebel. They look to her for approval, instruction, and validation. When puzzled, confused, confronted or corrected they run to her.Once a eunuch always a eunuch if you don’t get free that is. Without deliverance a eunuch of Jezebel will always be a eunuch of Jezebel. Eunuchs are drawn to Jezebel like a moth to bright light. If you have eunuchs in your church or organization and one with a Jezebel spirit attends the eunuchs will gather around her. That’s right, they will move from one controlling Jezebel to another. Remember eunuchs do that because of what’s in them.
Jezebel can only use what’s in you. You have probably heard it said that a Jezebel spirit can’t function without an Ahab. There is a lot of truth in that statement. It means that the Jezebel spirit looks for something in you to operate. Jesus said, “For the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me” (John 14:30). As mentioned before the only thing the Jezebel spirit can latch on to is what’s already in you.
To create soul ties the Jezebel spirit must first seduce you. They flatter and make you feel special or good about yourself. This works for some that have never felt special or never had anyone say much good about them. The Jezebel spirit knows how to “feed you” with compliments if that’s what it takes to build a relationship with you. Others may have a lack of personal confidence or lack of faith in Christ. The Jezebel spirit takes advantage of all our flaws and weaknesses. As your relationship with Jezebel continues she makes you feel that you can’t live without her and need her in order to be successful.
The control of Jezebel doesn’t happen overnight. The control is little by little and bit by bit. This spirit beats you down a little at a time. At some point you will feel like you don’t have any value, your ministry is over, and God is finished with you. Jezebel’s demonic power sucks the life out of you and makes you want to give up and quit. You say things to yourself like, “What’s the use?”
Perhaps the Jezebel spirit entered your life when you were the most vulnerable. Maybe you needed help and the Jezebel spirit was there. Maybe you lost a loved-one and Jezebel was there to console you. The bottom line is Jezebel uses the Ahab in you to create soul ties. When Ahab dies in you then Jezebel loses her control.
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