Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Ephesians 1:6 - …He [God] made us accepted in the Beloved.

Studies have shown that in the heart of every child is a cry for his father’s approval. Something happens when a father says to his boy, “Daddy is so proud of you.” Or when a father says to his girl, “You will always be Daddy’s favorite girl.”

You can catch such a similar special moment in the Bible when God the Father displayed His approval of His Son — “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The Bible shows us that Jesus’ ministry began with the approval of the Father, even before He had performed any miracle.

Now, you may think that God would naturally say that of Jesus, but not of us. My friend, the truth is that Jesus came for us and as us. He died for us and as us. He received the approval of the Father for us and as us. He came as our representative. And if that is not enough, God tells us in His Word that we are “accepted in the Beloved”!

Why did God specifically say “accepted in the Beloved” and not simply “accepted in Christ”? I believe that it is because He is calling to our remembrance what had happened at the Jordan river where He said, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God wants us to know that we are His beloved and that He is well pleased with us.

God sees us as His beloved because He has made us accepted in the Beloved. He wants us to wake up every day knowing that we are His beloved, unconditionally loved and wholly approved.

The more we know how much we are loved and treasured by God, the more we can expect good things to happen in our lives. We can expect to be healthy and whole. When we realize that we are the objects of God’s love, instead of becoming easily frightened or threatened by anything or anyone, we become confident that we will win every fight of life.

That, my friend, is how your heavenly Father wants you to live. So live life today confident that you are God’s beloved!

Thoughts For The Day

Like Jesus, you are God’s beloved, unconditionally loved and wholly approved.

If you’re never put under pressure, if you never have to stretch your faith, endure, overcome or persevere, then you won’t tap into the treasures God put on the inside.

All things with God are possible, but not all things with God are positively going to happen while we just sit back and do nothing.

The combination of grace and faith is what releases the power of God into your life!

Declare it! Say, “I believe and receive my covenant right to prosper in every area of my life!”

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8, AMP).

The Word of God is everlasting and eternal. The words of men will fall short, but God’s Word never fails; it always comes to pass.

Grace or unmerited favor means that when you have failed and are in your most undeserving state, you can still receive Jesus' favor, blessings, love and perfect acceptance in your life. Let this grace heal and change you from the inside out.

Every believer has received the grace & fullness of God. Everything He is, we now possess in our born again spirits. We are complete in Him!


I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake. —2 Samuel 9:7

“What a wonderful funeral!” Cindy remarked as we walked out. Helen, our friend, had died. And friend after friend celebrated her by sharing stories of her all-around fun behavior. But Helen’s life wasn’t all jokes and laughter. Her nephew spoke of her faith in Jesus and her care for others. She had taken him into her home when he was young and struggling. Now in his twenties, he said of his Aunt Helen, “She was like a mom to me. She never gave up on me in my struggles. I am sure that if it wasn’t for her, I would have lost my faith.” Wow! What an influence! Helen leaned on Jesus and wanted her nephew to trust Him too.

In the Old Testament, we read that King David took a young man named Mephibosheth into his home with the purpose of showing him kindness for the sake of his father, Jonathan (David’s friend who had died; see 2 Sam. 9:1). Years earlier, Mephibosheth had been injured when his nurse dropped him as they fled after the news that his father had been killed (4:4). He was surprised that the king would care for him; he even referred to himself as “a dead dog” (9:8). Yet the king treated him as his own son (9:11).

I’d like to be that kind of person, wouldn’t you? Someone who cares for others and helps them hang on to faith in Jesus even when life looks hopeless.

Lord, You showed the ultimate kindness by rescuing us when we were helpless in our sins. May our lives be marked by kindness so that others will see You in us.

God does most of His work for people through people.


Your word have I laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You. - Psalm 119:11, AMP

The Word of God is living and active! It’s powerful in our lives! Did you know that the Word of God has the power to protect you and keep you from sin?

God’s Word comes in written form, the Bible, but His spoken word can come in many other ways. In scripture, His word came through a burning bush, a still small voice, and even a donkey! He might speak to your heart through a friend or through a worship song. He may speak to you through creation. When He does speak, your spirit knows it. There is confirmation in your inner man. You know it’s His voice because He always speaks truth, and truth always sets you free!

Hold God’s Word close to your heart. Let it protect you. Meditate on His Word day and night. Let His truth transform you and lead you in the way everlasting!


John 6:61, "When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?"

This scripture, as well as Matthew 15:12, reveals that people will be offended by the Gospel. As much as possible, however, we should make sure that it is not ourselves that are offensive. But we cannot labor under the deception that everyone will receive the Gospel, even if the truth was presented properly. We know that Jesus represented His Father perfectly and yet most people rejected His message.

In these two instances, when Jesus realized He had offended the listeners, He didn't apologize and try to make concessions to gain their acceptance. Instead, He got harder. This hard message of commitment is not only beneficial to those who receive it, but it serves a dual purpose in that it exposes the "tares among the wheat."

It is important to be aware that the children of the wicked one are placed among the true believers. We should be very careful about putting just anyone who professes Christianity into any position of authority (1 Tim. 3:10). Our best defense is to preach the Word of God without watering it down. False brethren will not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3). They leave when the Word, which is sharper than any two-edged sword, begins to expose the thoughts and intents of the heart. There will still, however, be those who are deceived and unaware that they are not born again, remaining among the Church until the end of this world.

As long as Jesus was in the world in His physical body, He was lighting the way to the Father. He now shines through our lives. It is our responsibility to be a witness. The purpose of a light is to dispel the darkness. So "let your light shine before men...." (Matt. 5:16).


...every good tree bears good fruit...' Matthew 7:17 NIV

Take a moment to consider these two questions. Question one: How do you respond when you're treated badly? A man stopped by a news-stand every morning to pick up a paper. The man behind the counter was always nasty, yet the customer was always nice to him. When a friend asked him why he remained so kind in the face of such rudeness, he replied, 'Why would I let his attitude dictate my attitude?' Question two: How do you respond when you're tempted? You say, 'I'm in love with him. He's married and I know it's wrong, but I can't help it.' Actually, you can. You can spend an hour listening to stories from women who lost their husbands because of infidelity. Look into the eyes of their children. Hear the betrayal, and see the broken promises in their eyes. When you do, you'll think new thoughts!

The Bible says, '...Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.' (Galatians 5:16 NKJV) At any moment you can turn your mind to God and your thoughts will change. Feelings are like spoiled children; they can take a little longer to come round, but if you keep your mind 'fixed' on God, your feelings will eventually line up with your thoughts. Looking back, you'll be glad you were guided by God instead of your impulses. It's as if there's a little network called HSN (Holy Spirit Network) where you can tune in at any time. When you ask God to guide your thoughts, then pause and listen to what He says - He will guide you.

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