Sunday, June 30, 2013


Do you know that giving to you actually brings joy to God’s heart? When you place a demand on Him to heal you or to provide for you, you let Him be God. When you draw on His fullness and His abundance of life, health and blessings, you delight His heart!


"And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'" (2 Corinthians 12:9a, NKJV)

We all go through seasons of difficulty and face storms in life. But during those times, we have to remember that Almighty God is greater than any struggle we face! He’ll take those challenges and use them to strengthen us, but we have to do our part and take a step of faith toward the victory.

Think about the caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly. When it’s wrapped in its dark cocoon on the backside of some tree, it doesn’t look like it has many options. But inside that cocoon as it becomes a butterfly, it doesn’t just sit and wait for someone to come and let it out. No, that butterfly knows that it has to make a move if it’s going to be set free to fly. In the same way, we have to do something to get out of the confining places we are in. We have to pray, we have to believe, and we have to press through to victory.

Today, no matter what you may be facing, remember His grace is sufficient for you. His strength is made perfect in you. He has given you everything you need to overcome in this life. Now is the time to break free and rise to new levels because He has victory and blessing prepared for you!


“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6, NIV)

Are you believing for something that seems like it’s taking longer than you hoped? Maybe you’ve been praying for a loved one. Maybe you’ve believed for a situation to change for years. Don’t get discouraged. God is going to finish what He started! He is a faithful God, and He has something unmatched, unparalleled coming your way — favor, breakthroughs, restoration like you haven’t seen before!

God has been good to all of us in the past, but I believe we’re coming into a time where we will see greater anointing, greater power and greater victories! The key is that we have to stay in agreement with God. We should get up every morning and say, “Father, thank You for Your unprecedented favor. Thank You for the immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of Your power.” If you keep standing in faith, I believe you’re going to come into more of those days where you stand in utter amazement and say, “Wow, God! I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

Remember, scripture says, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” No, nothing is impossible when we put our faith and trust in Him. Keep standing today, keep believing, keep hoping because God has something astounding in store for your future!


“They turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel” (Psalm 78:41, KJV)

God is a god of increase. He wants to take you to new levels and higher heights. But sometimes, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and just settle for status quo. Sometimes we think, “Well, I’ve reached my limits. I’ve gone as far as I can go. This is as happy as I’ll ever be.” But if we’re going to continue to increase and really experience God’s best, we have to align our thinking with God’s thinking.

It’s interesting that in this scripture, the people limited the Holy One of Israel. Think about that. You and I can actually limit the all-powerful, Creator of the universe. How? By our thinking. What we believe either opens the door for God to move or it closes the door. God is limited in our lives by what we believe. So many people don’t even realize that it’s their own wrong thinking that keeps them in mediocrity.

Today, why don’t you take the limits off by choosing to believe God?! Feed your faith by studying His Word. Keep an open heart and mind before Him. Allow Him to work in your life and watch Him open up doors of blessing that you’ve never seen before!


Faith in God is the fuel that carries you forward to victory and will move mountains into the sea.

If you can accomplish your dreams in your own strength, your own talent, with your own resources, then your dreams are too small.

You may have missed opportunities or blown chances at some time. But the good news is that God always has another season. He will restore the years that have been stolen.

When you place your trust in God, He will accelerate His plan for your life. You will accomplish your dreams faster than you thought possible.

Whatever your critics say about you has no bearing on your worth. You are a child of the Most High God.

If you're worried that you don't have enough time to accomplish your dreams and goals, remember, God can do in a split second what might otherwise take you many years.

Bitterness, envy or unforgiveness will hinder the move of God in your life and cause you many unnecessary problems


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