Thursday, December 26, 2013



The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man. - Psalm 115:16, NIV

God made everything on this earth for the pleasure and fulfilment of man. Just as an expectant couple would get ready the room, the cot and the clothes for the arrival of their baby, God prepared everything man needed first, including the garden of Eden, so that when man was created, man would be able to just enjoy everything that God had created.

In the same way today, Jesus has already done everything for you when He died on the cross for you. The work is finished. What do you need today? Healing? A financial breakthrough? A better job? Every blessing that you will ever need in this life has already been provided for by the sacrifice of Jesus (2 Peter 1:2–3). And to experience these blessings in your life, all you have to do is believe and rest in what Jesus has done for you. So stop trying to make things happen with your self-efforts. You cannot add to the finished work of Jesus.

Beloved, just believe and rest in all that Christ has already done for you. Tell the Lord today, “Lord, I cease from all striving, struggling, pushing and manipulating to get my breakthrough. I rest in what You have already done for me and I thank You that You will bring it to pass in my life!”


RUTH 3:18 - Then she said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.”

God does not want you to “sweat”. Sweat here does not refer to your body’s perspiration, but your self-reliance or self-effort. God does not want you to believe that if you don’t do anything, nothing will happen. That may be true for someone without God in his life, but it is not true for you because you have God. And when He is in the picture, the God-factor changes everything!

When you are resting in God, He works for you. In fact, when He works, you end up with more. He is the one who is giving to you. It is not about you trying to give to yourself.

This was what happened to Ruth in the Old Testament. After laboring in the barley fields from morning to evening, she was able to glean one ephah of barley (Ruth 2:17), which was equivalent to a 10-day supply of barley. Certainly, this amount was a blessing to her.

But when she rested at the feet of Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, and did not labor, she received six ephahs of barley (Ruth 3:15), which was equivalent to a 60-day supply! When Ruth sought her own blessing, she obtained only one ephah. But when she sought the blesser, she received much more.

Ruth’s blessings did not stop there. While Ruth rested and sat still as her mother-in-law Naomi had instructed, Boaz, who was the owner of the barley field, went to work, initiating actions, executing them and speaking on Ruth’s behalf. Right through it all, Ruth sat still and rested. Eventually, Boaz, the barley man himself, married Ruth. (Ruth 4) That meant no more measured wealth of six ephahs, but the yield of the whole barley field in total!

Boaz is a picture of Jesus, our heavenly kinsman-redeemer. When we rest in the Lord, He will not rest. He will work on our behalf. What do we do then? We just trust in and enjoy His love for us.

Beloved, stop striving and be at rest. If salvation, the greatest work, comes to us by resting in Jesus’ finished work, how much more will all the other blessings?


For we who have believed do enter that rest… - Hebrews 4:3

Naturally speaking, when we rest, we don’t work. So what does working out of rest mean? Well, let me explain by sharing with you what the Lord had taught me.

Many years ago, when I first started preaching, I would prepare diligently for all my sermons. I fine-tuned my points and made sure that everything was in place. I would think to myself, “Man, I am going to share this… and that…”

But when I preached, I would forget to mention certain points. Because of that, I would get angry with myself. I would tell myself, “That was such a good point. Why didn’t I remember to share it?”

Then, God began to speak to me. He said, “Son, your preaching is not out of rest. It is out of your memory.” What He said next changed my life, not just in the area of preaching, but also in every other area, and I pray that it will bless you too. He said, “Prepare everything you need to. But when you stand in front of the people, whatever you need to say, I will give to you.”

Yes, there must be preparation, whether it is your sermon or sales presentation. I am not telling you to be lazy and just do nothing. You need to prepare, but don’t depend on your preparation. Just trust God and tell yourself that whatever you forget, God wants it forgotten. And whatever you didn’t plan to say but said, it is because God wanted it said. Don’t be stressed out and lose your rest by thinking, “I must know everything! I must remember everything and do everything I have prepared!”

No, believe God and be at rest. When the time comes, whatever you need to know, there and then, God will let you know. Whatever you don’t need to know, you don’t need to know. And don’t worry about what you didn’t say — believe that God didn’t want it said.

My friend, when you live life like that — trusting God and resting in His love for you — you become cool and collected. And when you are peaceful and at rest in Him, what you do prospers!

Thought For The Day :
When you are peaceful and at rest in God, what you do prospers!

"And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you" (Romans 8:11, AMP)

When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit makes His home inside of you. That's God Himself, the same Spirit with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! His resurrection power can bring back health, strength and life to your physical body. He can restore hope and breathe life into your dreams. In fact, He can resurrect any area that may seem dormant on the inside of you!

The next time you feel overwhelmed by sickness, challenges or despair, remember, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you through Christ Jesus. You may have been burdened by an addiction, fear or worry, but there's nothing that can stand against the power of God. Rise up and declare by faith, "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I am restored and healed in the name of Jesus! No weapon formed against me can prosper!" Receive His truth, declare the Word, and activate His power within you!

'He...ran out of the house.' Genesis 39:12 NIV

Observe how some of God's champions dealt with Satan's attack, so you'll know how to handle it when it comes. Joseph ran. '...Now Joseph was well-built and handsome, and after a while his master's wife took notice of Joseph and said, "Come to bed with me!" But he refused..."How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her. One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside. She caught him by his cloak and said, "Come to bed with me!" But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.' (Genesis 39:6-12 NIV) Notice the setting for this attack: Joseph was young, single, lonely, and far from home. And Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him 'day after day'. Giving in to her may actually have helped his career, but Joseph had a very different value system. His character meant more to him than his career. God's approval meant more to him than the boss' favour. After his affair with Bathsheba David wrote, 'I will set nothing wicked before my eyes...' (Psalm 101:3 NKJV) Whether it's an affair or an online fantasy, pull your eyes away! Lust is like a tiger; once uncaged, it will prowl through your mind and prey on your thoughts. What it won't do, is willingly go back into its cage. So if you haven't looked, don't! If you have, pray for victory and get it out of your life.

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