Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Leviticus 1:6 - And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces.

Do you know who first clothed man with coats of skin? It was God Almighty Himself, when He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the bushes because they were afraid of Him. They had become fearful and conscious that they had sinned against God. In their sin-consciousness, they realized that they were naked and that the glory of God, which had been their covering, was gone.

So God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve with coats of skin. (Genesis 3:21) An animal had to die and its bloodied skin became their covering. This speaks of the blood of Jesus that covers you when He became your burnt offering. The Lamb of God did not just take away your sins. He also gave you His righteousness.

Beloved, you are covered by Jesus blood. You are righteous by His blood. God has clothed you with the robe of righteousness, which was paid for by Jesus blood. I am not talking about a physical robe made of cloth. I am talking about the robe of righteousness that was on Jesus when He said to the storm, Peace, be still! and there came a perfect calm (Matthew 8:2327), when healing flowed from Him to the sick and when He raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:3844)

When you believe that you are righteous because of Jesus blood, you will see the effects of wearing His robe of righteousness. You will see miracles happening before your very eyes. You become a blessing magnet, a favor or grace magnet. It is not your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus which you have put on, that is attracting all these blessings of God into your life.

My friend, have the consciousness of being clothed with Jesus robe of righteousness. Every day, come to God and say, Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. What He is to You, I am. As He is now, so am I. I am in Him. And you will see the manifestations of the blessings of health, wholeness, protection and provision that the robe attracts!

Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23.) In many churches across the nation, good Christian people die prematurely because pastors teach their flocks that healing is not for today. Many years ago, I was one of those pastors. However, today I teach healing and physical deliverance from sickness and disease. My belief system changed because of the revelation of the Word of God.

We have a responsibility in these last days to walk in total redemption. That means we are to be full gospel people--we believe the whole Bible. We believe in life, healing, and prosperity and stand against death, sickness, and debt. Life and the blessing, death and the curse have been placed before us, but God gave us the answer in His Word. Choose life! (Deut. 30:19.)


We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. —2 Corinthians 4:7

Christopher Locke buys old trumpets, trombones, and French horns and transforms them into acoustic amplifiers for iPhones and iPads. His creations are modeled on the trumpetlike speakers used in the first phonographs during the late 1800s. Music played through Christopher’s AnalogTelePhonographers has a “louder, cleaner, richer, deeper sound” than what is heard from the small speakers in the digital devices. Along with being interesting works of art, these salvaged brass instruments require no electrical power as they amplify the music people love to hear.

Paul’s words to the followers of Jesus in Corinth remind us today that in living for Christ and sharing Him with others, we are not the music but only a megaphone. “For we do not preach ourselves,” Paul wrote, “but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Cor. 4:5). Our purpose is not to become the message, but to convey it through our lives and our lips. “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (v.7).

If an old horn can amplify music, then perhaps our flawed lives can magnify the goodness of God. We’re the megaphone; the music and the power come from Him!
Thank You, Lord, that You can take our lives and use them in ways we never thought possible. Help us to be the instruments that convey the music of Your love.
Nothing is unusable in God’s hands.


Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt like you were trying to force something to happen? I have. I’ve opened my Bible and said, “God, I need a word from You today.” Then I close my eyes, twirl my finger around and land on a scripture, hoping it’s exactly what I need. But then it turns out to be something like “God reigned down fire from heaven.” And I say, “Not that word, God. I need another word!”

We’ve all been there, trying so hard to make a connection with God and sometimes ending up frustrated. But God doesn’t want His Word to make us feel pressure; He wants His Word to make us feel pleasure. He doesn’t want us to come to Him feeling stressed. He wants us to come to Him feeling blessed and knowing that His Word is making a difference in our lives beyond what we may feel in the moment.

God’s Word is more than an instruction manual. His Word is a love letter! When we read it, His love empowers us and deposits His strength in us. That’s because His Word is alive, and it will change your life! It’s a seed that, when planted in your heart, yields an abundant harvest of righteousness.

All scripture is God-breathed. When we open it to read, we have to know that God is breathing His life into us. He is refreshing our spirits and directing our paths. Think about this: John chapter one says that the Word became flesh and walked among us. When you open the Bible, let your prayer be, “Lord, let Your Word walk in me. Let Your Word come alive in me. Let it lead me and guide me in every area of this life.” Then realize that when you are finished reading and close the book, His power doesn’t stop working. Just like a seed in the ground continues to root and grow even when we can’t see it, God’s Word is growing in you even when you can’t see it. Faith is rising in you, and you are being transformed. Don’t ever feel intimidated by the Word of God. Don’t run from the Bible; run to the Bible and receive His love because God wants to do something great in you!

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV)


A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. - Proverbs 17:22, ESV

Throughout life, there will always be something that will try to take our joy. If it’s not a grumpy sales person, it’s a family member aggravating you, traffic is backed up, your flight is delayed, or your spouse is taking too long. Don’t go the next 20 years allowing the same people and the same circumstances to frustrate you. Change your approach. What’s upsetting you now doesn’t have to upset you anymore. You can choose to keep your cool and stay calm and steady. Remember, a relaxed attitude is going to lengthen your life. The next time you’re tempted to be upset, ask yourself, “Is this really worth giving up my joy over?”

If you’ll make this decision not to give away your joy and live each day happy, God promises you’ll be strong; you’ll have more peaceful relationships, and you’ll accomplish more. He says a joyful heart is good medicine! Hold on to your joy and let it heal your heart so you can experience the blessings He has in store for you!


It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep His promise. - Hebrews 11:11, NLT

How do you continue to believe God for the breakthrough that you need when you don’t feel that you have the faith to go on?

My friend, the answer lies in today’s scripture. Sarah was “barren and was too old” to have a child, but “by faith” she received strength to conceive and gave birth to Isaac. Her faith was involved. How did Sarah exercise her faith to receive her miracle? She simply “believed that God would keep His promise.” In other words, she banked on the faithfulness of God. Her eyes were not on her faith or lack of it, nor were they on how tough her natural circumstances were.

When you feel that your faith has run out, just rest in how God is always faithful! Count on His faithfulness, not your faithfulness. Lean hard on the fact that He remains faithful even when you’re wavering in faith (2 Timothy2:13).

Beloved, once God gives you a promise from His Word, it’s not for you to struggle and conjure up faith to make His promise come to pass. You cannot make the miracle happen—only God can. You are to rest in Him who has promised, rest in His faithfulness, and you will experience your miracle!


John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Jesus said we would have tribulation. He did not say that He was the one bringing the tribulation or what the tribulation would be, but He said it would come. Then He made the amazing statement that in the midst of tribulation we were to be of good cheer.

Tribulations exist because there is a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil. When we operate in faith, God is able to grant us such victory that we are actually better off because of the battle. It's just like when a army goes to war. If they win, they gain spoils. But if they embrace their enemy because of the spoils they were expecting to receive, they will be killed instead of blessed. First, you have to fight and win the war and then, and only then, will the spoils be available. The enemy doesn't come to be a blessing, but a blessing can be obtained from the enemy if we are victorious.

Likewise, tribulations and adversities are not blessings from God. They are attacks from the enemy intended to steal the Word of God out of our lives. No man should say that the temptation came from God, for God is not the one who tempts any man (Jas. 1:13).

If problems were what perfected us, then most Christians would have been perfected long ago and those who experienced the greatest problems would be the greatest Christians. However, that's not the way it is. God's Word is given to us to make us perfect, and thoroughly furnished unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:17). God's Word does not need to be supplemented with problems to accomplish its work.


The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? —Psalm 27:1

Someone was shadowing me. In a darkened hallway, I turned the corner to go up a flight of stairs and was alarmed by what I saw, stopping dead in my tracks. It happened again a few days later. I came around the back of a favorite coffee shop and saw the large shape of a person coming at me. Both incidents ended with a smile, however. I’d been frightened by my own shadow!

The prophet Jeremiah talked about the difference between real and imagined fears. A group of his Jewish countrymen asked him to find out whether the Lord wanted them to stay in Jerusalem or return to Egypt for safety because they feared the king of Babylon (Jer. 42:1-3). Jeremiah told them that if they stayed and trusted God, they didn’t need to be afraid (vv.10-12). But if they returned to Egypt, the king of Babylon would find them (vv.15-16).

In a world of real dangers, God had given Israel reason to trust Him in Jerusalem. He had already rescued them from Egypt. Centuries later, the long-awaited Messiah died for us to deliver us from our own sin and fear of death. May our Almighty God show us today how to live in the security of His shadow, rather than in shadowy fears of our own making.

Trust when your skies are darkening,
Trust when your light grows dim,
Trust when the shadows gather,
Trust and look up to Him.

Under the protecting shadow of God’s wing, the little shadows of life lose their terror.
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