Saturday, October 11, 2014



Deuteronomy 28:2 - And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you

God loves to bless you. He has even declared that blessings shall come upon you and overtake you. This means that you cant run fast enough to escape them! When you turn one corner, there is a blessing waiting for you. When you turn another corner, you run smack into another blessing!

Now, you may think that you don’t qualify for God’s blessings because of the preceding verse which says that these blessings will come to pass only if you diligently obey Gods voice and keep all of His commandments. You know that no matter how hard you try, you just cannot keep all of Gods commandments. In fact, the Bible says that if you fail to keep just one commandment, you fail to keep all. (James 2:10)

My friend, I have good news for you: Jesus is the one who qualifies us for every single blessing because He has kept all of Gods commandments. When He died for us on the cross, He not only fulfilled all of Gods commandments, He also redeemed us from the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:13) Note that He did not redeem us from the blessings of the law, so the blessings are still ours today!

As you read the list of blessings in Deuteronomy 28, starting with Blessed shall you be in the city in the country the fruit of your body your basket when you come in when you go out (Deuteronomy 28:313), I believe that Jesus is saying to you, Like the blessings? Then take them by faith!

You may say, But I don’t deserve them. Yes, you don’t deserve them, but you still get them because of Jesus. That is God’s grace! The law says, You must deserve the blessings. But the law is no longer here. Grace is here. So take the blessings by grace through faith. Believe God for the blessings.

Today, it is no longer a question of how much or how well you have kept Gods commandments. It is a question of how much you can believe God for His blessings. All the promises of God in Christ are Yes, and because you are in Christ, you can say Amen! to His blessings! (2 Corinthians 1:20)


I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] - Hebrews 13:5, AMP

On the cross of Calvary, Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” so that you and I will never be forsaken by God. A divine exchange took place. Jesus took our sins and gave up the presence of God, while we took Jesus’ righteousness and received the presence of God that Jesus had. God’s presence is now ours for eternity!

When God said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5), a “double negative” is used to convey the strongest sense of “never” possible in the Greek language. The Greek words ou me are used, which in essence mean, “never never” or “never ever.” And this double negative appears twice in this one statement from the Lord—ou me is used for both “never” and “nor.” In other words, God is saying, “I will never never leave you and I will never never forsake you!” The Amplified Bible brings out the strength of what God really meant (see today’s verse).

My friend, settle it in your heart once and for all—God will never leave you! He will never forsake you! And if you hear anyone telling you that you can forfeit the presence of God, stop listening. Don’t let that person rob you of the certainty of God’s presence in your life. When God says “never ever,” He means “never ever,” and our God cannot lie! This means that Jesus, your peace, provision and wisdom, is always with you. Believe it, practice His presence and see good success!


Luke 22:16 "For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God."

The Lord longed to share the passover meal with His disciples. He was less than 24 hours away from fulfilling His mission and, like anyone who can see the finish line, He must have had feelings of relief and excitement.

The passover meal commemorated the Jews' deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Ex. 13:3-10). It also had a much deeper spiritual application that, as Jesus explains here, would be fulfilled through His death. The Jewish nation as a whole had missed any future prophetic meaning of the passover.

On the night of the original passover, the Lord passed through the land of Egypt and judged the land by slaying all the firstborn men and beasts. The Jews had to slay a spotless lamb, take its blood and apply it to the door posts of their homes. They were commanded to remain indoors, under the covering of this blood until morning. When the Lord passed through the land at midnight to execute His judgment, He passed over the homes that had the lamb's blood on their doors and no one inside was hurt. This is a perfect picture of the redemption that Jesus provides for us.

Everyone deserves judgment because of their sins. However, Jesus provided Himself as a spotless, sacrificial lamb for us, so that if we apply His blood to our lives by confessing Him as Lord, God will pass over us on judgment day.

Jesus was sacrificed on the 14th day of the first month of the Jewish year - the exact day and time that the passover lambs were being slain. Truly, "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us" (1 Cor. 5:7).


'Labouring fervently for you in prayers.' Colossians 4:12 NKJV

Paul writes, ‘Epaphras, who is…always labouring fervently for you in prayers.’ Sometimes praying for others feels like ‘labouring’. Once you understand and accept that, not having ‘tingling sensations’ when you pray won’t discourage you. You can smile and tell yourself, ‘This is the way the Bible says it will be sometimes.’ G. Campbell Morgan said, ‘A man may offer a prayer, beautiful in diction and perfect in the number of its petitions. But if it gives him gratification afterwards, that prayer cannot have been truly prayed.’ What did he mean? Simply this: you’ll feel good after you’ve prayed, but your goal isn’t to feel good about the fact that you have prayed, or that you felt particularly good during the process. Observe:

(1) Prayer is a duty. It’s like going to work. You do it because it’s a commitment, and because of the rewards it brings.

(2)Prayer is a discipline. The old–timers used to talk about ‘praying through’. Through what? Through wandering thoughts, through fatigue, through fears, and every other form of resistance and distraction. When you enter the ‘prayer zone’, Satan will fight you at every turn. But when you stand in the name of Jesus, the powers of darkness will retreat and you’ll prevail (John 14:13–14).

(3) Prayer is a delight. It won’t happen every time, but if you’re faithful to the place of prayer there’ll be times when your whole being will be conscious that God is present, answering your prayer and giving you guidance. And even when the answer isn’t completely clear, you’ll leave His presence saying, ‘Now I have peace about it.’

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