Monday, November 2, 2015



Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. - John 17:17

In this prayer, Jesus prayed twice that the Father would keep His disciples from evil. Then He reveals the way that God will accomplish this - through His Word, the holy scriptures. Anyone who desires to live for God, reject the devil, and reject the world's system, must know God's Word.

We must study the scriptures, for they reveal the will of God for our actions and attitudes. To be filled with the knowledge of God's will, we must be filled with God's Word. God's Word is His will! Those who are ignorant of God's Word will be ignorant of God's will.

Knowledge of God's will is foundational in developing Christian conduct and character. There is no way we can fulfill God's will if we don't know what it is. The starting point for any Christian is understanding God's will for his life. How can a person obtain such knowledge? The first step is to desire it. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." People ask the Lord for knowledge of His will but don't receive it because they aren't seeking with ALL THEIR HEART. No one who has ever sought the Lord with all his heart has ever been disappointed.

The Holy Spirit is the dispenser of God's wisdom. It is through Him that we know the things God has revealed to us. One of the primary ministries of the Holy Spirit is to reveal God's will to us.

There is no way we can walk worthy of the Lord and please Him if we don't know His will. Furthermore, we can't be fruitful without the knowledge of His will. God has provided all that we need to be successful and victorious in this life. Believe His Word.


Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” —John 4:13-14

As Dave Mueller reached down and turned the handle, water rushed from the spigot into a blue bucket. Around him people applauded. They celebrated as they saw fresh, clean water flowing in their community for the first time. Having a clean source of water was about to change the lives of this group of people in Kenya.

Dave and his wife, Joy, work hard to meet people’s needs by bringing them water. But they don’t stop with H2O. As they help bring people clean water, they also tell them about Jesus Christ.

Two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus stood at a Samaritan well and talked with a woman who was there to get clean drinking water for her physical health. But Jesus told her that what she needed even more than that was living water for her spiritual health.

As history has marched on and humanity has become more sophisticated, life still filters down to two truths: Without clean water, we will die. More important, without Jesus Christ, the source of living water, we are already dead in our sins.

Water is essential to our existence—both physically with H2O and spiritually with Jesus. Have you tasted of the water of life that Jesus, the Savior, provides?

Thank You, Jesus, for being our living water. Thank You for Your willingness to die on the cross and for Your power to rise from the dead in order to provide us that water.

Only Jesus has the living water to quench our spiritual thirst.


Luke 15:22 - “But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.

If you are a believer, you are probably familiar with the touching story of the prodigal son that Jesus shared. Who do you think the father in the story represents? Jesus’ Father in heaven, of course. Jesus was giving us a picture of His Father, who is also our Father.

In the story, the father was seen running toward his son, who was returning home. (Luke 15:20) Do you realize that God is never described as being in a hurry in the Bible? He is always cool and composed. The only time He is portrayed as being in a hurry is in this story. Though improper in Jewish culture, the father held up his robe and ran. Where was he running to? Why was he in such a hurry?

The father was in a hurry because he had seen his son, who was still a long way from home. He was running toward his son as he could not wait to embrace and kiss his child again.

The father was in a hurry to clothe his son with the best robe. My friend, our Father has put the best robe—the robe of righteousness—on us. In doing so, He has reinstated us as sons of the Most High God, a position which we had lost when Adam fell.

The father was in a hurry to put a ring on his son’s hand. Like the authority that is invested in the signet ring of a rich man’s son, our Father is eager to put back into our hands the authority to invoke His name, so that we can walk in dominion every day.

The father was in a hurry to put sandals on his son’s feet to assure him that he was still his son—only servants went about barefoot. Our Father never wants us to feel like hired servants or outcasts. We are always His sons.

Beloved, if the Father appears to be in a hurry, it is only because He is in a hurry to assure you of your position as His precious child!

Thought For The Day

If the Father appears to be in a hurry, it is only because He is in a hurry to assure you of your position as His precious child!


As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. - John 17:18

We are not from the world. Through the new birth, we come from God and should constantly remind ourselves of this. It is not good to be too "at home" in the world. We are in the world but are not of the world. Great men and women of God have always had this attitude.

The primary reason that God chooses to use those who are nothing by the world's standards, is so no one else can take credit for the great things that are accomplished.

If the Lord used those who had it "all together" in the natural, then they would share the glory that rightfully belongs to God alone. But when the Lord works miraculously through someone who obviously has no talent or ability, then everyone says, "This must be God."

Not only does this keep others from misdirecting the glory that belongs to God, but it keeps the person who God uses from swelling up with pride. One of Satan's greatest weapons against someone who is being used by God is to tempt them to think that the Lord is using them because they possess some superior virtue.

God uses "nobodies." If we think we've become "somebody" (in our flesh), then we will cease being used. He will not share His glory with anyone else (Isa. 42:8).


Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3 NLT

The moment you start believing you’re successful enough to rest on your laurels, you’re in trouble. You’ve put a lid on your growth! Solomon wrote, ‘Do you know a hard-working man? He shall be successful and stand before kings !’ (Proverbs 22:29 TLB) Success is always a possibility, but never a guarantee. It belongs to the man or woman who’s willing to show up early, stay late, go the extra mile, and keep asking, ‘Is there a better way?’ An agency once created an ad for an automobile company. It said, ‘At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.’ When they ran the ad by the company’s CEO, he smiled and said, ‘I guess we’ve got to do something about that clock!’ A young man once asked Henry Ford, ‘How can I make a name for myself and be successful?’ He replied, ‘Decide what you want, then stick with it. Never deviate from your course no matter how long it takes or how hard the road, until you’ve accomplished your purpose.’ Successful people have one thing in common: they refuse to quit! No matter how many times they fall, they get back up, dust themselves off, l earn from it, and start over. Paul J. Meyer says, ‘Ninety-nine per cent of those who fail are not actually defeated, they simply quit.’ The Bible says, ‘And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.’ (Galatians 6:9 ESV) The only people who never fail are those who never try. So keep going, and don’t even think about quitting!

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