Wednesday, March 12, 2014



Ezekiel 4 gives a prophetic pattern for establishing the lordship of Christ in your area. Ezekiel was called of God to perform an intercessory act over the city of Jerusalem, much like Joshua when he was called to march around Jericho. Ezekiel's prophetic intercession provides a model—with principles found throughout the Word of God—on how to intercede for a city against spiritual strongholds. JUDY JACOB

Jesus declared before Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world [else] would my servants fight." There is no biblical justification or pattern for this kind of "strategic level warfare" prayer or methodology which has long been conducted at countless rallies and conferences and cities. "Binding Satan" has no effect (why does he keep getting "loose"? Where is the imagined authority in this unbiblical method?)

Tragically, millions of sincere believers continue to put their hope in "restoring America" when there is no biblical promise of this. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is for Israel, not America. There is no covenant with God for America. Rather, God declares that he will draw "all nations" (including the U.S.) against Israel to "contend with" (judge) them there. Prior to this, whatever remains of the America we know now will become (is becoming) part of the ten-toed confederation of kings in the End Times (Daniel 2, Revelation 17).

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to be on a RESCUE mission of lost souls through the preaching of the gospel—not a "reclaiming" or "restoring" mission which uses the politics of power and ecumenical compromise to "siege cities" and "heal our land." Though it remains popular to attempt, the church is not called to conquer and vanquish demons using unbiblical "strategic" spiritual warfare. Tragically, Jacobs is misled, and misleading others. Read 2 Peter 2:9-11 and see Jude 8-10.

How many times have all seen churches and prayer groups "claiming" cities, neighborhoods, and countries. "Binding" and casting out devils. And nothing ever changes. After all the shouting and music stops they go home, satisfied about whatever it is they think they have accomplished and resume their nowhere lives. Cindy Jacobs is a quack if I ever saw one. Her twisting of scripture in this article is typical of her. It's so sad to see so many people just eat this stuff up.

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