Monday, April 14, 2014


Jesus told us that man cannot live on bread alone. But, the very Spoken Word of God! Yes, "Though we sit in darkness, Thy Word shall be a lamp unto our feet and light unto our pathway"! No matter what our situation or need is......God has ALREADY "Spoken His Word" over us! We just need to hold onto His Word Alone!! Yes, we ask that God Speak His Word Over Us!! Just like when Peter walked on the water on Jesus Word "COME"!! One word.... Imagine, one word and a regular guy walked on water!! That blows my mind!! Yes, even Peter was amazed? In the middle of walking to Jesus, he realized how in the world can a regular guy do this?? People think it was doubt or fear?? No, Peter was amazed at what one word from Jesus accomplished. My question is "who in this world would jump out of a boat in a raging storm and walk on water on one word? They all call Peter a man of doubt or fear? No, Peter had "faith" in one word!! The rest of us would say "No, Jesus come save me...I'm not leaving this boat"? Hahahahahahahaha

Yes, while on life support?? That was the Holy Spirit in Karen speaking God's Word Over Her Life, when she was unable to open her mouth!! That is where "Deep Calls To Deep" and God Answers Us!! Yes, I am a word carrying believer. Yes, I am a word and faith person, who believes in miracles and prosperity. Jesus was too!! Amen. God's Word is unstoppable and unchangeable. Remember, in those 40 days against Satan. The only thing Jesus said was "God's word". Jesus taught us and Jesus quoted the old testament, not the is all God's word. The whole!! Yes, Jesus is our Blessed Redeemer and by His Blood He paid for us to inherit "ALL". No, we didn't earn it or deserve it. It is only by God's Amazing Grace, that he allows us to Enter Into His Riches In Glory Through Christ Jesus. Because we became "King's Kids".

Jesus said he fulfilled the law. That means we are no longer under the curse. But, we are under the Open Heaven of God's Blessing. Just like Adam and Eve in the Garden. Before the fall. they were under God's Open Heaven and Blessing. In the garden Satan had no power over Adam to steal anything from him. Was Adam sick? Was Adam in need of anything? No, he only wanted a companion and God gave him Eve. Satan had no place in Adams life. We too must let Satan know that he has "no place" in us. We allow Satan to usurp, lie, steal, kill and destroy. Unaware. Allowing Satan to rob us of God's Truths. NO.... Kick him to the curb. Jesus didn't let Satan rob him of anything. On the contrary, the demons fled when Jesus showed up!! That is how it should be with us. The Children of God "do not know who they are"?? They live like prisoners and Jesus came and set the captives free. Free indeed!! The chains are broken forever!! In the power and authority of Jesus name. Amen. Why live in jail cell when the door is wide open......

Yes, The "Veil Is Torn".....Praise The Lord!! We have an "Open Heaven: to our Heavenly Father. Yes, we have access straight to Heaven, just like Jacob with Jacob’s ladder!! The devil lies and tells us that we are unworthy and in our own shame of mistakes of missteps we believe him. No, we pray and confess our sin and shortcoming and ask God to work His Work In Us. Asking forgiveness and God removes our sin from us, as far as the east is from the west. Lost is the secret of forgetfulness... By the blood of Jesus, we are washed white as snow. Each and every day. God knows that we are not perfect. God knows that we will never be perfect. But, Jesus IS. I always let the devil know. "Yes, I am the least among his children. But, my Heavenly Father loves me....with His Everlasting Love, Unconditional Love, Agape Love, Loving matter what!! That is good enough for me. Yes, Thy Grace Is Sufficient. Amen Praise The Lord. Yes, God's Grace Covers ALL!! It is not our works or good. It is all Jesus finished work on the cross and his holiness!! Amen


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