Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Spiritual Authority

The Purpose of Spiritual Authority

Spiritual authority is defined as the right to make use of God’s power to enforce spiritual law, which is literally the Word of God. We have a responsibility to walk in this authority, but we must be careful not to let religion trick us into thinking that we are not an integral part of the promises found in the Word. Absolving ourselves from all responsibility actually takes us “out of the equation” by preventing God’s laws, which operate by faith, from materializing in our lives. These spiritual laws are just as real as physical laws—they are consistent and they do not fluctuate.

It is God’s will that we use the authority He gave us, and the Scriptures tell us how.
He wants everyone to repent, and no one to die (2 Peter 3:9).
When we wonder what God’s will is for our lives, we must remember that He is not inconsistent, blessing some but not others. His Word works the same every time.
The real reason good things do not come to pass in our lives is not because they are not His will, but because we do not use the authority He gave us.
We should submit to God and resist the devil (James 4:7, AMP).
Standing firm against him causes him to flee.
When we do not do this, or anything else the Bible tells us to do, we limit God.
The tongue controls the entire body. If we can tame it and learn to control what we say, we can be perfect (James 3:2).
Our speech is one example of how we have been given authority. When problems crop up, we can talk to the situation and take control.
God tells us that we have the authority to command the works of His hands (Isaiah 45:11).
The works of His hands are all the finished works of Jesus. They include healing, deliverance, prosperity, wholeness, and anything else we want.
When we have faith in this statement, our actions will reflect our belief.
In both the Old and New Testaments, we see examples of God’s power in action.
When God created the earth, He commanded the grass to grow, the herbs to yield seeds, and the fruit trees to yield fruit of their own kind (Genesis 1:11).
He created everything—including us—with the ability to procreate.
Jesus was on His way to heal Jairus’ twelve-year-old daughter when He was met by a woman who had suffered with the issue of bleeding for twelve years. When the woman touched Him, she was immediately healed. Just then, Jairus learned his daughter had died, but Jesus reassured him, continued on to his house, and spoke to the girl. She immediately arose and walked (Mark 5:25-42).
The woman’s strong belief in Jesus’ ability to heal her of bleeding directed her actions. She was desperate for relief.
Her faith, followed up by action, “flipped the switch” to activate God’s healing power.
The fact that Jesus temporarily changed His direction from Jairus’ house to search for the woman indicates that He was not in control of His ministry, but it was being controlled by people’s faith.
The devil worked through the person who told Jairus his daughter was dead, and through the people who laughed at Jesus when He said the girl was not dead. Jesus countered by telling Jairus not to fear, and putting the unbelievers out of the house.

Scripture References
2 Peter 3:9
James 4:7, AMP
James 3:2
Isaiah 45:11
Genesis 1:11
Mark 5:25-42

How to Release Your Faith for Spiritual Authority

As Believers, it is good when we recognize we have spiritual authority, but we must also know how to use it. This authority goes beyond religion—it has to do with releasing our faith in spiritual laws. Authority is simply the right to use God’s power by enforcing these laws. Similar to earthly police officers who enforce the laws of the land, we have received authorization to enforce the laws of the spirit. This authority does not come from our performance, but directly from Jesus, Who is Grace personified.

    Faith unlocks our God-given authority.
        We have been given all authority and power, but we have a responsibility to keep our part of this covenant by speaking and walking in it.
            God created men and women in His own image. He blessed them, gave them dominion over the earth and everything in it, and told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:27, 28).
            Jesus said we can move mountains by speaking to them, but we must first believe in our heart that we are able to do this and can make it happen (Mark 11:23).
        We must remember God, because He is the One who gave us the power to get wealth. This was to establish His covenant with us (Deuteronomy 8:18).
            We can take action to make wealth come to pass in our lives, not through our own self-effort, but because we are expected to do our part according to God’s law of prosperity.
    We need to understand how the spiritual laws of prosperity and wealth operate.
        When we give, we receive in the same measure that we gave (Luke 6:38).
            This is a specific instruction on how to activate these laws.
            They only work if we believe enough to do what the Scriptures tell us to do in this area.
        God commands blessings on us, and in everything we put our hand to. He will open heaven’s treasures to us (Deuteronomy 28:8, 12).
            He promises to bless us, but we must put our hands to work to allow Him to do this.
        If we do not work, we should not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10).
            When we step out in faith and begin working, God will honor our faith.

Scripture References
    Genesis 1:27, 28
    Mark 11:23
    Deuteronomy 8:18
    Luke 6:38
    Deuteronomy 28:8, 12
    2 Thessalonians 3:10

Spiritual Law Enforcement

During His earthly ministry, Jesus gave His followers the same authority that He had, and charged them with the responsibility to use it correctly. This authority covered everything in the earthly realm, and when He was resurrected, it was expanded to include everything in heaven as well as under the earth. This power has not diminished one bit over time, and God has now made it available to everyone on earth. Most people are unaware of this, but it does not change the fact that we are responsible for enforcing God’s spiritual laws. The devil tries to limit us by keeping us ignorant of what has been given to us, but when we as Believers realize how powerful we are, he will no longer be able to hold us down.

    The authority that God gave to Jesus is the same authority that Jesus offers us.
        Jesus gave the disciples power to cast out unclean spirits, heal the sick, and raise the dead. He also told them to preach the Gospel as they went (Matthew 10:1, 7, 8).
            We have the power to take care of any disease or medical issue, just like the disciples did.
            God has put this power under our control. This means we can command into existence in our lives whatever we want to see manifested, according to spiritual laws.
            This commandment carries with it a promise, but it only operates by faith in God’s grace. Faith takes what grace has made available.
        When we seek out God’s kingdom first, everything we want will come to us (Matthew 6:33).
            The kingdom of God operates according to His spiritual laws. We must delve into the Word to learn what those laws say about what our lives should be like, and then enforce those laws.
    Whatever blessings we see in the physical realm originate from the spirit realm.
        We should remember that God is the One Who gives us power to get wealth, in order to establish His covenant with us (Deuteronomy 8:18).
            This includes not only in our finances, but in every other area of our lives as well.
            Although He provided the power, we have the responsibility to “flip the switch” for the manifestation to take place.
        Whatever it is we give will be returned to us in much greater proportions than what we gave (Luke 6:38).
            With our finances, the “switch” is the act of giving, like the Bible instructs us to do.

Scripture References
    Matthew 10:1, 7, 8
    Deuteronomy 8:18
    Matthew 6:33
    Luke 6:38

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