Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. – Matthew 12:34-35

Words won't work without faith any more than faith will work without words! It takes them both to put the law of faith in motion.

Many believers don't realize that. They'll continually speak words of doubt and unbelief, then they'll jump up one day and say a couple of faith words and expect mountains to move-- and to their dismay, they don't.

Why not?

Because as Matthew 12:34-35 says, it's the words that come from the heart that produce results. The person who just throws in a couple of faith words now and then isn't speaking them from the abundance of his heart, so they're not effective.
Does that mean you shouldn't start speaking words of faith until you're sure you have the faith to back them?

No! Speaking words of faith is good spiritual exercise. If you want to receive healing by faith, for example, fasten your mind and your mouth on the Word of God where your health is concerned. Instead of talking about how miserable you feel, quote Isaiah 53:5. Say, "Jesus was wounded for my transgressions. He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon Him; and with His stripes, praise God, I was healed!"

If you'll continue to meditate on those words and continue to say them, the truth in them will begin to sink in. They'll take root in your heart and begin to grow. And eventually you really will be speaking from the abundance of your heart.

When that happens, it won't matter what the circumstances look like. You'll know you have what you've been believing for and the devil himself won't be able to talk you out of it. You'll cross the line from hope to faith, and you'll start seeing those mountains move!

For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. —James 4:14

In 1859, during the turbulent years prior to America’s Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had the opportunity to speak to the Agricultural Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As he spoke, he shared with them the story of an ancient monarch’s search for a sentence that was “true and appropriate in all times and situations.” His wise men, faced with this heady challenge, gave him the sentence, “And this, too, shall pass away.”

This is certainly true of our present world—it is constantly in the process of deterioration. And it’s not happening just to the world; we also face the reality in our own lives that our days are numbered. James wrote, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).

Although our current life is temporary and will pass away, the God we worship and serve is eternal. He has shared that eternity with us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. He promises us a life that will never pass away: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

When Christ returns, He will take us home to be with Him forever!

Awake, my soul and sing
Of Him who died for thee,
And hail Him as thy matchless King
Through all eternity.

For hope today, remember the end of the story— eternity with God.

Note: Only unbelievers don't rest in the Lord as they don't trust in God's ability to prosper us in every area of our lives!


Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times. - Mark 4:8, NIV

When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in the soil of your mind. However, you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important to have a disciplined thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Water those seeds. Meditate on those thoughts throughout the day. That’s what you want to become a reality.

Too often, we water the wrong seeds. We dwell on what the negative people say. The naysayers can’t make a seed take root in your life. All they can do is sow the seed. You have complete control over what seeds are going to take root and grow in your own soil.

Today, you might need to uproot some wrong seeds spoken over you. Let go of the negative and choose to dwell on the good. Dwell on what God says about you. Dwell on His word. Water the right seeds and receive the fruit of His blessing!


And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts — gold and frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11 AMP

Can you imagine what it must have been like for the Wise Men when they saw Jesus? He was just a child in a stable surrounded by animals, but these Wise Men recognized that He was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; the Savior of the world. Immediately, they fell on their faces to worship Him, but notice what they did next — they presented Him gifts as part of their worship. And they didn’t just give any old thing they had; they gave Him their absolute best — costly gold, frankincense and myrrh.

When we give Jesus our absolute best — our time, talent and resources, it is truly an act of worship. We are saying with our actions, “God, You mean more to me than anything. Because You are so awesome, I want to give You everything that I am.”’ It pleases Him when we come to Him with this attitude. When we draw near to Him with an open and humble heart, He draws near to us. Remember to always give Him your best and watch Him open doors of blessing in every area of your life!


What is that to you? You follow Me. —John 21:22

When you attend a children’s choir concert, you’re not surprised when the children look everywhere but at the director. They wiggle, squirm, and poke each other. They stand on tiptoes to search for parents in the audience. They raise their hands to wave when they see them. Oh, yes, and they occasionally sing. We smile at their antics. The behavior is cute in children. It’s not so cute when adult choir members don’t watch the conductor. Good music depends on singers who pay attention to the director so they can stay together as they sing.

Christians sometimes are like singers in a children’s choir. Instead of looking at Jesus, the great Conductor of the symphony of life, we are busy squirming or looking at each other or watching the audience.

Jesus admonished Peter for such behavior. After He told him what would be required of him, Peter pointed to John and asked, “What about him?” Jesus answered with a question: “What is that to you? You follow Me” (John 21:22).

Sometimes we are distracted by what others are doing. We think God’s plan for their life is better than His plan for ours. But God’s plan for each of us is the same: Follow Jesus. When we watch Him intently, we’ll not be distracted by God’s plan for anyone else.

My times are in my Father’s hand;
How could I wish or ask for more?
For He who has my pathway planned,
Will guide me till my journey’s o’er.

Every child of God has a special place in His plan.


Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

What a statement! If we just believed this, how different our lives would be!

From birth we are trained to know our limitations. You can't have this. Don't touch that. Don't put things in your mouth. You can't touch the fire. On and on the list goes.

As we grow up, it's actually a sign of maturity to recognize our limitations and learn to live within them. There are limits to everything. It's a fact of life.

But God has no limits. When we enter into the realm of the supernatural, we have to take off all the limits. We have to renew our minds with the truth that God is not like us. He can do anything.

We have an awesome God whose power is so great that we can't even comprehend it. He created the universe and it didn't even tax His ability. Yet many times we find ourselves wondering if our situation is too hard for the Lord. We can't see how even God can pull us through.

The Lord said to Jeremiah, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" (Jer. 32:27) The answer is a resounding NO! The only thing that limits God is our unbelief (Dt. 7:17). Today, let's honor God by believing that nothing is too difficult for Him.


Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…

Each time you hear the gospel of Christ, you are hearing God’s good news for you. And the Bible tells us that the gospel of Christ — the good news that God wants all men to hear — is the very power of God for your salvation, not just from hell, but also from illnesses, financial lack, harm, a failing marriage — every aspect of your life that needs saving!

You may say, “Pastor, I’ve heard the gospel of Christ, but it seems like I am one of those whom the power of God has missed.” My friend, when you hear the gospel of Christ, do you really believe it? You cannot just understand it in your mind. You must know and believe the good news in your heart, and then you will see that it is the power of God for your salvation.

But what is the good news that God wants you to know in your heart, which will release the power and salvation of God into your situation?

“For in it [the good news] the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith…” (Romans 1:17) The good news is that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, which you receive from faith to faith.

This means that this righteousness comes because you have faith in His blood, not your good behavior, to make you righteous. It is from faith to faith, not faith to works, or works to works.

The good news is not preached to show you what is wrong with you. It is preached to show you what is right with you because of Jesus’ work at Calvary, in spite of what is wrong with you!

There is nothing left for you to do to earn God’s blessings for your life. You only need to hear and believe the all-encompassing saving power of the gospel of Christ to heal you of diseases, preserve you from danger, bless your finances and bring well-being to your family.

The world may say that the good news is too good to be true. But for those of us who are the righteousness of God in Christ, the good news is so good because it is indeed true!


Father, I come humbly to You today giving You all that I am. I honor You as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I bless You because You are worthy of my absolute best in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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