Wednesday, May 28, 2014



The church often draws such impostors because of a perversion of the Christian doctrine of grace. The Christian gospel offers a complete forgiveness of sin, and not only that, a fresh start as a new creation. But both Jesus and the apostles warn us that this can easily be perverted into a kind of anti-christ license. Faith is not real without repentance, and faith is not like that of the demons, simply assenting to truth claims. Faith works itself out in love. Faith follows after the lordship of King Jesus. Faith takes up a cross.

Restitution is hardly every preached today by it's apostate churches Simply saying sorry is not enough. Zacchaeus paid his victims back. Restitution should be a requirement for the these false ones!

1. False teachers are proud. They are concerned for their own popularity. They are concerned for their own fame. They are concerned for their own notoriety. They are concerned for their own prestige. They’re concerned to see themselves and hear themselves in the public eye. They want large crowds, as it were, to bow down in great homage to them. They’re characterized by pride and they will do anything to gain the ground they need to gain for the welfare of their own personal ego, including any amount of compromise necessary.

2. Secondly, false teachers are characterized by selfishness. They tend to be self-centered. They are concerned for their own comfort. They are concerned for their own popularity. They are concerned for their own prosperity. In the end, it’s all about money, fame, and prestige and notoriety equals an increased bank account. They are in it for the money and the personal material benefits that they can gain as they endeavor to feed their selfish desires.

3. Thirdly, They are characterized by deception. They usually can weave a very sophisticated web of deception in their teaching because they tend to be articulate, if they’re going to be successful, and they endeavor to engage other people to aid them in their deceitful enterprise which gives it the, sort of, façade of credibility.

4. They’re not only proud and selfish and deceptive, but [fourthly] they’re irreverent. If there’s anything that sort of dominates in my thinking about false teachers, it is their irreverence. They have absolutely no regard for God. The fact that they would go against God, that they would elevate themselves the way they do, that they would pervert the truth indicates their utter irreverence. They have little, if any, regard for God, His Word, His truth, His glory, His honor…

5. Finally, they are spiritually destructive. They seek to use people; they seek to abuse people. They seek to lead people into error, which destroys them—into sin, which pollutes them.

So, as you look at false teachers with regard to the world, they are proud and they seek fame and popularity. With regard to themselves, they are self-centered, selfish, self-aggrandizing, self-gratifying. With regard to the nature of their ministry, they are dishonest and deceptive and lack integrity. With regard to God, they are utterly irreverent; in fact, they are blasphemous. And, with regard to the people that they influence, they are spiritually destructive. So, their relationship to the world, their relationship to the ministry, their relationship to themselves, their relationship to God, their relationship to their people all reflects the deviation of their hearts. John F. MacArthur Jr., Concerns of a True Pastor: Humility and Selflessness, 1998

Today's preachers along with some who have passed on whose ministry or teachings continue, who are either teaching a false doctrine or are using the Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ for the benefit of their own selfishness and gain. Some of these preachers lay claim that Jesus is the only way to Heaven (and they would be right), but at the same time, they preach that personal gain is the main message.

Fundamentalists have always argued that Christians should stay out of politics. But then Fundamentalists unlike Jesus didn't heal the sick, cast out demons or raise the dead? And God always has his prophets who warn His people of demonic ones like Obama who opens the flood gates of hell into America! But the bible does tell us

Proverbs 11: 10 When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices; And when the wicked perish, there is jubilation.

Proverbs 28:28 When the wicked arise, men hide themselves; But when they perish, the righteous increase

“Homosexuals are the most intolerant of all people I’ve met. I’ve encountered Ku Klux Klan members that are more tolerant.”

“The white homo who now lives in the community — and there are a lot of them that moved up here — they brought their restaurants with them, they brought some of their lifestyle, they brought their Starbucks coffee with them … and like anybody else they prey on black men, they convert black men.”

“Anyone who promotes that as a lifestyle and tries to make it a national and international event and create warfare upon everybody else, then the appropriate response would be to stone them back to the Stone Age, or stone them back to hell.”

When Jesus sent thirty-five groups of two into the cities to prepare for His arrival, He instructed them in what to say. Also He instructed His disciples that if the people of the city would not receive the message, that they were to shake the dust from their feet and move on. I think it is interesting that Jesus didn't instruct His disciples to stay and try to convince the people, or to argue the truth until they got it. He simply said, if they won't listen, move on. (Matt. 10:14.)

Your most valuable commodity on earth is your time. Time is the currency of life. As an employee, you exchange your time for money. At the end of your pay period when you receive your paycheck, it not only represents what you can buy, but it represents so many hours of time that you exchanged. Jesus said that Satan is a thief. (John 10:10.) Satan wants to steal your time. He can fill your time with regret from the past or he can fill your time with the worries of the future. But he can also steal your time by using unreasonable people who will not change. These people tempt you to believe they can change and thus you spend hour after hour, day after day, and sometimes year after year working on a project that's not fixable.

Of course, there are those who can be fixed, and we should be led by the Holy Spirit and do whatever is necessary to resolve their issues of life. However, too many people are led by compassion and guilt or the pride of believing that they can fix everything, when in reality they should shake the dust from their feet and move on.

So the next time you encounter an unreasonable person, pray in the spirit and seek the counsel of God. Yield not to your own understanding, but acknowledge Him and allow yourself to be guided by the Spirit. You may be the one person who can fix what everybody else thought was not fixable. But don't allow the enemy to steal your time through unreasonable people with hardened hearts who will never change.

All frauds attempting to make themselves appear to be more spiritual are eventually exposed by the Holy Spirit.  The real move is an spiritual conn artist who is after money.  This guy sounds that he has been trying to copy Benny Hinn but is being exposed.  Praise the Lord!  Many so called evangelists during early days 1900’s used to pay people to pretend that they were sick and healed and died and rose up praising God and made up all kinds of stories about them being healed by the “so-called great preacher” who did t is miracle.  They were called “shills”who were paid well because the offerings would be big.  Then, they would move on to the next town or city with their “travelling road shows”.  The movie called, “Elmer Gantree” was based on those kind of “fake ministries”.  The problem is that when this is done today people are again people do not want to believe they were taken advantage because they don’t want to believe the preach was a spiritual con artist.  They loved the show because they had wonderful emotional experiences thinking that it was the Holy Spirit.  As the saying was, “The hand is faster than the eye.” No, by what has been claimed about Suarez, he is the newest side show proclaimer and now, it’s his turn to take the stage and get the money and the bows. Yours in Jesus Christ,

These people are obviously are hearing from “another spirit” but not the “Holy Spirit”.  Their lack of knowledge about the history of the Church and the “Reformation”, the Bible and the Holy Spirit and how the RC church and their quenching of the Holy Spirit and a church structure that is completely unscriptural  demonstrates that he is easily shows his ignorance.  He has been listening to evil spirits for his direction that they cannot tell the difference between the voice of evils spirits and the Holy Spirit.  Again, they are proven to be what Jesus said to the Sadducees, “You are wrong because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God (Matt. 22: 29).  Paul warned the Ephesians, ‘'so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind if doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles (Eph. 4: 14).  It is pretty obvious that they have always been out of God’s will by the kind of so-called church they have attempted to build.  They were so off track to think that the elders were not seeing them depart from any truth as he was moving away from the Gospel.  And, the bottom line is that they could accept “a prophet word”  when the only voice we are supposed to hear is the Voice of the Holy Spirit Himself.  While they were false prophets themselves, they couldn’t know the difference when false prophetic so called words which were not from God led them away.  These were and are condemned by their leading and listening to false prophets who were trained up by them.  They are described by Jeremiah 5: 30 – 31. 

True believers in Christ, Christians, walk in Holy Ghost power that gives proof of the resurrection. As already said this is way more than quoting a bible scripture, teaching a nice Sunday school class or sharing with a friend at the coffee shop. Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12).

Before a person can receive the benefits of salvation they need to know what belongs to them. This is confirmed in the scripture, “Faith cometh for by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). Once you know what belongs to you then all you need to do is receive it. That goes as much for deliverance from unclean spirits as it does for physical healing. The Apostle Paul wrote that he prayed for believers to come to the place where they knew what belonged to them in Christ. Today we could call those the benefits of salvation. He wrote,

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.” (Ephesians 1:17-22)

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