Wednesday, May 7, 2014



I want to share something powerful with you today.
Understanding this can change your life.
When dealing with challenges, uncertainties and questions, let me encourage you to...
Look to Jesus—make Him the center of your life. He is always the answer.
In the book of Colossians, the Apostle Paul writes something really powerful...
Jesus Himself "existed before all things, and in Him all things consist (cohere, are held together)" (Colossians 1:17, AMP).
That means that when Jesus is at the center of your life, things no longer seem to be falling apart. He holds everything together. This includes your marriage, dreams, family, career, finances, peace and health.
Every part of your life—it is all held together by Jesus!
And when you make Jesus the center of your life, He provides exactly what you need...exactly when you need it.
You no longer have to try to hold things together yourself or meet your needs in your own strength. Your success isn't dependent upon your own abilities or limited by your own weaknesses. You see, it is not about you at all.
Are you faced with some challenges in your life today? You might be thinking...
• How can I overcome this financial struggle?
• Is this as good as it gets, or can my marriage and family life be better?
• How can I find more success in my school life or career?
• Will I always have to live with this sickness or pain?
• How do I parent my wayward child or connect with my parents?
Beloved, be strengthened right now, knowing it's not about trying harder, working longer, or doing more. It's about realizing that because of all that Jesus is and has done for you; you ALREADY HAVE God's approval and you don't need to earn His blessings for whatever situation you are in.

If you're facing a difficult circumstance—in your family, health, finances, relationships or career—don't dwell on that problem. And don't dwell on your ability or inability to fix the problem on your own.

The answer to all these challenges is this—make Jesus the center!

Everything you need—healing, provision, wisdom, grace, long life—is found in Christ.

"Pastor, how do I make Jesus the center?"

My friend, it is by living conscious of the perfect, life-giving and never-ending covenant of God's approval and favor that Jesus died to give you.

When this happens, the pressure of having to perform or earn His approval and favor falls away.

In that very situation, you'll find yourself freely receiving all the blessings that you already have in Christ (see Ephesians 1:3)—His wisdom, favor and provision begin to flow in and through you.

Fix your eyes on Jesus and rest in His finished work. He is the One who holds all things together, and He has the answers because He Himself is the answer. It's all about Jesus!
• He is your wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30).
• He is your healing (Isaiah 53:5).
• He is your righteousness (Philippians 3:9).
• He is your provision (Philippians 4:19).
• He is your peace (Ephesians 2:14).
• He is your rest (Matthew 11:28).
• He is your strength (Psalm 18:2).

That's just the beginning of the list. Jesus is all of those things...and so much more.

Don't forget: law makes you conscious of self, but grace makes you conscious of Jesus. Choose grace today and watch God do something amazing in your life.

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