Wednesday, August 7, 2013

New Apostolic Reformation

By La Vigne
Today’s New Apostolic Reformation evangelist along with many a pseudo eschatological prophet, are by nature very funny characters. They come on stage like a mafia planted Vegas styled comedian with that “I’ll be here all week” arrogance. They use distracting comedic covers to size up the pastor, shake down the audience and in general, systematically case the joint for future theological divestment opportunities. Equipped with recycled recommendations from Barnum and Bailey pastorates nationwide, circuit riders today prosper at the expense of congregations with hireling pastors who are short on originality. The Andy Stanley canned ham sermons in circulation have already exceeded their shelf life so new and improved diversions must be employed to keep the fellowship in *stitches. The catch phrase industry’s big name sloganeering department is in constant research and development to produce a politically correct format for this takeover. In essence the fall conference schedule should read; ‘The Seven Meaningless Days of No Bothersome Scripture Tour.’ When working with the right entertainment agencies many similar themes are in production to be implemented week after week; usually guarantying another successful seminar based heist.

The testimony industry thrives on tall tales of old sins. I could write book. Overemphasis of, ‘been there done that,’ causes some to imagine that God gets more glory when discribing the lengthy details of our former ways. It’s true that if you were a drunk before you were born again you could be instrumental in leading ‘a’ drunk to Christ. If you were in prison for many years, a jail ministry is an honorable goal and working with the homeless after having been through such an experience is acceptable when looking at serving the Lord. Stories of being a former adulterer, pedophile or bunko artist could in essence be a witnessing tool when directing a corrupt televangelist or Catholic priest to Christ but what we used to be has no practical substance; only the convicting power of the truth of scripture, when spoken in a timely manner, can be effective for any kind of restoration. Holding the attention of an unregenerate prospect these days is, and of itself, difficult to do since every possible scenario can be seen on the History Channel, A&E or pay for view. It is said we may be the only Bible that some will ever read so the evidence of a true conversion is not necessarily in mere words. Tall tales of how bad we were or how much we think we know now may not apply but in being a living witness; either for or against the Gospel. If we are in Christ, we are made of new stuff: old things are gone and should only be mentioned briefly in passing. (2 Co 5:17) So! What’s new with you?

When one mentions the movement the ''NAR'', what may come to mind is the New Apostolic Reformation (C.Peter Wagner's cult), But, when one explores their WHACK (talk about getting ''WHACKED'') theology, NAR really just stands for ~ New Age Religion!!! Bill Johnson, Mike Bickel, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones, Patricia King, Heidi &Roland Baker, Che Ahn, Joshua Mills, Jason Westerfield, Todd & Jessa-''BEL'' Bentley, John Crowder, Benjamin Dunn, Stacey Campbell, Kris Vallotton, Matthew Ford, Kevin Dedmond, and Cindy Jacobs just to name a few, are ALL generals for the NAR...they are New Age Renegades representing a New Age Religion...STAY FAR AWAY FROM THE ENEMY'S CAMP!!!! AVOID THE NAR!!!!! "New Apostolic Reformation Is Deceptive"


Dominionism and the NAR

The Pathetic Prophetic Movement

But The Recipe for Continuous Victory and Success Doesn't Change

And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified (Acts 20:32).

 The Word of God is the building block we need as Christians to shape up our lives and become all that God has planned for us to be. This is because the Word has inherent ability to produce what it says. In Joshua 1:8, ever before Joshua could embark on the mission of leading the Jews into the Promised Land, God instructed him to meditate on the Word regularly and keep the Word in his mouth. He was to have the Word in his heart and in his mouth, and be completely taken over by the Word. That way, he would be careful to do the Word.

 This was necessary because God had premised Joshua’s success on meditating on the Word. If this was true for Joshua, it’s all the more true for us today as Christians. The Word of God is what we need to live a successful, prosperous and victorious life. Thus, you shouldn’t allow any kind of failure in your life! God has given us His Word that’s able to make us successful, prosperous and victorious. Our responsibility is to think God’s thoughts; speak and live according to the Word.

 God’s Word is our sure road map to a life of unending victories. So if as a Christian you’ve been experiencing consistent failures rather than victories in your life endeavours, what you need do is a Word-check. It might mean that you’re not living according to God’s Word. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily doing something wrong. It does mean however that there’re some important things you’re not doing. An example could be proper meditation on the Word; it’s a sure recipe for success. Praise the Lord!


Gordon Williams

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