Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Do you feel misunderstood and forsaken by the people you love? Have you been falsely accused and stripped of everything, without a dime to your name? Maybe today, you feel that you have hit rock bottom and you wonder if you can ever rise again.

Joseph, who was sold by his brothers into slavery (Genesis 37:28), went through all these experiences and emotions. Still, he was conscious that God was in it with him every step of the way. Though his life was a “mess”, he believed that it was not an accident. Though the things that were happening to him were not good, he believed that God was making all things work together for his good. And it was indeed so—Joseph eventually rose to occupy the most powerful position in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. (Genesis 41:40)

Probably, this consciousness that God was in it with him was the reason he forgave his brothers when he met them again later in his life. Joseph told them, “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” (Genesis 45:5)

So like Joseph, whatever you are facing now, be conscious that God is in it with you. Be Jesus-conscious. Though you may have nothing or not much now in the natural, the truth is that you have everything when you have Jesus!

The same Jesus who went around blessing others with 12 baskets full of leftovers, a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fishes, and who never impoverished anybody, will empower you to succeed in life. The same Jesus who went about doing good will cause good to explode in your life. The same Jesus who went about healing the sick and never giving anyone sickness will keep you in divine health and protect you from harm.

Beloved, because “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), as He was with Joseph, He is with you right now. And He will empower you to live the high life—the abundant life in which you will see God’s promises manifest!

Boast In God’s Grace For You!

…“He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:31

If someone asks you, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” you would probably tell him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved,” wouldn’t you?

Well, a rich, young ruler asked Jesus the same question, but instead of telling him to believe in Him, Jesus gave him the law. (Mark 10:17–22)

Jesus saw that the young ruler lived his life taking pride in his ability to keep the law to earn salvation and the favor of God. But because of His love for the man, Jesus had to show him that those who live by the law must realize that their self-efforts cannot save them.

He therefore reminded him, “You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery… ‘Do not steal… ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” The young ruler showed that his trust was in his law-keeping when he replied, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.”

So Jesus had to tell him, “One thing you lack… sell whatever you have and give to the poor… and come… and follow Me.” When the young ruler heard that, he walked away sorrowful.

When we boast of having kept the law, it will always point out something we lack or have failed to obey. The law is so holy and perfect that if we don’t keep even one iota of it, it has no choice but to judge and curse us. (Galatians 3:10) That is what the law was designed to do.

God does not want us to boast in our abilities to keep the law. If we are to have confidence in anything at all, if we are to boast in anything at all, it is in the grace of God. Only His grace can completely keep, save, heal, deliver and bless us.

So let’s not boast in what we have done or are able to do, but boast in His grace for us — that He is our strength, health, favor, provision, wisdom, hope, salvation and glory. That is how we will see ourselves enjoying our inheritance of abundant life!

Thought For The Day
Only His grace, not our works, can save, keep, heal, deliver and bless us.


Romans 8:27 - Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Wouldn’t you like to pray effective prayers that are always in line with the will of God and which always hit the mark? Well, when you pray in the Spirit, you can.

You see, when we pray in English or our known language, and according to our limited understanding, we can pray amiss. Sometimes, our heads get in the way and we find ourselves asking, “Isn’t it selfish of me to pray like this?” or “Am I praying in line with God’s will?”

My friend, that is why God gives us the gift of praying in tongues. When we pray in tongues or in the Holy Spirit, we can never pray out of God’s will because the Holy Spirit “makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God”.

In other words, we pray perfect prayers in line with God’s will when we pray in tongues. And the Bible goes on to tell us that “if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him”. (1 John 5:14–15)

Isn’t it wonderful that God has put in you the Holy Spirit who prays perfectly? He knows the heart of God and precisely what you need. And He makes intercession for you because He loves you very much.

The Holy Spirit is like your lawyer or legal counselor. He knows what belongs to you legally. He knows what your blood-bought rights are in Christ. Best of all, He knows exactly how to enforce them in your life!

Beloved, when you pray in tongues, you allow the Holy Spirit to pray perfect prayers through you. He pleads your case before God. He knows where you have gone wrong and what the root of the problem is. He also has the wisdom, solution and power to win your case. With the Holy Spirit on your side, you cannot but come out victorious!

By Jesus’ Stripes You Are Healed

…The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

You know, one of the biggest outcries against Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion Of The Christ, was that it was too violent, especially the part where Jesus was scourged.

Let me tell you this: It was not violent enough! The Bible says that at the cross, Jesus’ visage was marred beyond that of any man. (Isaiah 52:14) In the movie, even after all the beatings, the actor James Caviezel, who played Jesus, still looked quite handsome.

But the reality is that when Jesus hung on the cross, He had “no form or comeliness… there is no beauty that we should desire Him”. (Isaiah 53:2) He was beaten to a pulp until His face looked like jelly hanging out!

In the movie, when they scourged Him, only a small portion of His bones was exposed, so it was still quite tidy. But the messianic psalms say, “The plowers plowed on my back; they made their furrows long” (Psalm 129:3), and “I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me”. (Psalm 22:17) All His bones were exposed!

My friend, He was thinking of you when the soldiers tied Him to the scourging post. As they raised their whips, He said, “Let it all come on Me!”

But what came on Him was not just the whip stripping the flesh off His bare back, but your sicknesses and diseases. Each time He was whipped, every form of sickness and disease, including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, bird flu and dengue fever, came upon Him. “The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”

Today, healing is your right because Jesus has paid the price for your healing. So if the devil says, “You cannot be healed,” just declare, “Jesus has paid for my healing. Disease has no right to be in my body. I am healed in Jesus’ name!”

Every curse of sickness that was supposed to fall on you fell on Jesus instead. He bore every one of those stripes, so that you can walk in divine health all the days of your life. The price has been paid so that you can rise up and get out of your bed of affliction!

Thought For The Day
Healing is your right because Jesus has paid the price for your healing.


Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not. - Numbers 14:9

Thousands of years ago, God told the children of Israel to go up and occupy the land that He had given them. He told them to take it, by force and without fear, from the ungodly ones who were dwelling there.

He's still saying that today. God is still trying to get us, as His people, to take the good land He's given us. He's still trying to get us to use the power He's given us to run the wicked one out.

You see, this earth doesn't belong to the devil. It belongs to God (Ps. 24:1). The devil has just moved in and taken control of things because we believers haven't stopped him.

That is our job, you know. Jesus took Satan's legal rights away from him on Resurrection morning. Then Jesus put us in charge of enforcing Satan's defeat. The Scripture says that Jesus is going to sit at the right hand of the Father until His enemies are made His footstool (Heb. 10:12-13). Do you know what that means? It means Jesus is waiting on us to kick the devil and his crew out of the affairs of this earth. He's waiting on us to carry out the victory He won at Calvary and occupy this land.

But just like Israel had to rise up physically to take the land of Canaan, you and I have to rise up in the Spirit if we're going to establish the dominion of God in the earth. We're going to have to get moving. We can't do it sitting down!

Listen, you may not know it, but we're at war. We're in a spiritual battle--and we're winning. In fact, if you realized what was already established in the spirit world, you'd laugh at the devil every time he showed his face.

So today if the devil has control of an area of your life or your church or your community, rise up in the Spirit through faith and prayer and the Word and start taking that territory back. Don't be afraid. His defense is departed from him. He has no weapon that can stand against you.

The Lord is with you. Rise up in the Name of Jesus and take back the land!

The Recipe for Continuous Victory and Success

And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified (Acts 20:32).

 The Word of God is the building block we need as Christians to shape up our lives and become all that God has planned for us to be. This is because the Word has inherent ability to produce what it says. In Joshua 1:8, ever before Joshua could embark on the mission of leading the Jews into the Promised Land, God instructed him to meditate on the Word regularly and keep the Word in his mouth. He was to have the Word in his heart and in his mouth, and be completely taken over by the Word. That way, he would be careful to do the Word.

 This was necessary because God had premised Joshua’s success on meditating on the Word. If this was true for Joshua, it’s all the more true for us today as Christians. The Word of God is what we need to live a successful, prosperous and victorious life. Thus, you shouldn’t allow any kind of failure in your life! God has given us His Word that’s able to make us successful, prosperous and victorious. Our responsibility is to think God’s thoughts; speak and live according to the Word.

 God’s Word is our sure road map to a life of unending victories. So if as a Christian you’ve been experiencing consistent failures rather than victories in your life endeavours, what you need do is a Word-check. It might mean that you’re not living according to God’s Word. Now, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily doing something wrong. It does mean however that there’re some important things you’re not doing. An example could be proper meditation on the Word; it’s a sure recipe for success. Praise the Lord!


What is satan stealing from you? Is he stealing your health? Is he stealing your finances? Is he stealing your relationships? What area of your life is he targeting? Is he stealing your peace? Now is the time you must come to realize My children that he is defeated. He is a defeated foe. The ground that he stakes out in your life is not his. He is trespassing. Walk with Me and he cannot tag along.

Whatever you are fighting against right now, do not fight alone. Fight with Me by your side. He has already been defeated. In walking in unbelief you achieve his goal for him. You believe his lie and give him ground. He bases his existence in your life on a lie. My children must rise up against him now. My children must do battle against him now, he is a defeated foe. Instead of believing his lies, you must pick up your weapons and fight against him.

The battle is in your mind. Knowing that you are fighting against something or someone who has already been defeated is the most important tool. My army needs to come to life. my army needs to be fed this knowledge. He is done defeating My children. My children are called upon now to rise up against him and his minions. He can no longer take from, steal, ruin, or deceive any of My children.

Wake up My children to who you are in Me. I am the I AM, the creator of all things. He is nothing. Enough now, reclaim your territory. My children, I love you. You must fight to rest in Me, you must fight to rest.

God can and will heal your wounds; after all, His banner over you is love. (Song of Solomon 2:4)

God has delivered you before, hasn't He? If He delivered you before, then you should be confident that He will come to your rescue again.

We cannot stand through the storms of life based on someone else's faith. We must be fully assured in our own hearts and minds.

Do you know that giving to you actually brings joy to God’s heart? When you place a demand on Him to heal you or to provide for you, you let Him be God. When you draw on His fullness and His abundance of life, health and blessings, you delight His heart!


Gordon Williams

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