Thursday, August 22, 2013



Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. - Matthew 18:19, NIV

The Scripture talks about how when any two of us agree, it shall be done. That’s a promise that when we stand in faith with another believer, God will do what He said. Well, I believe that principle is true even in the negative. When the enemy puts a thought in your mind, if you agree, then your agreement is what gives it the power to come to pass. But if you don’t agree, you turn it around.

The thought says, “Your children are going to get into trouble.” “No, I don’t agree. My children will be mighty in the land. My children will fulfill their destiny.” You’ve just stopped that fear from coming to pass. The thought says, “You’d better not go out today. You’re going to have an accident.” “No, I don’t agree. God has a hedge of protection around me; a bloodline that the enemy cannot cross.”

Here’s the key: don’t come into agreement with the fear. If you don’t agree, the only way it can come to pass is if God gives it permission. And if God does, you can rest assured it’s not going to work against you. It’s going to work for you. Today, pay attention to what you’re coming into agreement with and don’t agree with fear. Agree with His Word and embrace the good things He has in store for you.


Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.” - 2 Kings 4:6–7

When it comes to provision, God’s word is chockfull of wisdom and encouragement. It not only gives you pictures of God’s inexhaustible supply, but it also provides wisdom in managing what comes into your hands.

In the story found in 2 Kings 4:2–7, Elisha told a poor widow to get as many empty vessels as she could, and pour her last jar of oil into the vessels. She did as told and miraculously, the oil kept flowing. It stopped only when she ran out of vessels. Elisha then told her to sell the oil, pay her debt and live on the surplus.

I want you to see two important things here. Firstly, the supply stopped only when the demand on God’s supply stopped. I want to encourage you to never stop looking to Jesus for your supply.

Secondly, if you are in debt, your first priority is to settle your debt. Notice that Elisha told the widow, “Sell the oil and pay your debt.” And when you have cleared your debt, learn to live within your means. Beloved, the more you meditate on and heed the practical wisdom in God’s Word, the more you will be able to contain His provision.


“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop” - (Luke 8:15, NIV)

Sometimes in the natural, we don’t see how God’s promises are going to come to pass in our lives. It seems like there are so many obstacles to overcome. But we have to see God’s Word like a seed. When it’s planted in our hearts, and we water it by thinking the right thoughts and expecting good things, that little seed begins to grow into something much, much greater.

Jesus told a parable in Mark, chapter four. He said, “God’s Word is like a tiny mustard seed. When it is sown, it is less than all the other seeds, one of the smallest. But when it grows up, it becomes greater than all.” Notice it goes from being less than all to being greater than all.

Are you in an overwhelming situation today, maybe in your health, finances or relationships? Does God’s promise seem small compared to what you’re facing?

Don’t sit back and think, “Man, it’s never going to get any better. It’s never going to change.” Instead, sow the Word by speaking it every single day. Water that seed by staying in faith because the seed of the Word has supernatural power in it. It will grow and flourish, and you will see God’s promises come to pass all the days of your life!


Gordon Williams

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