Thursday, January 16, 2014



Can two walk together, except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3

When it comes to faith, a lot of believers feel like they have one foot nailed to the ground. No matter how hard they try, they just can't seem to make any progress.

If you'll watch them, you can see why. They literally haven't "gotten themselves together." One minute they'll be telling you, "Oh yes, amen, I believe the Word," and the next minute they'll be spouting unbelief like it's going out of style. "I know God says He'll prosper us, but I'll tell you what, my business is doing so badly, it's about to give me ulcers. I can't sleep at night for worrying."

Dig a little deeper and you may find out that they've pulled their actions out of line with the Word as well. "Well, you understand, brother, I can't possibly tithe with my income like it is. I'd go under!"

Faith just won't work for a person like that.

You see, you're a triune being. You are a spirit. You have a soul, which consists of your mind, will, and emotions. And you live in a body. Each of those areas has a specific role to play in your faith walk. You have to get all three in agreement before you can go anywhere at all!

Start by feeding your spirit on the Word of God. Just like the body produces physical strength when you nourish it with food, the spirit produces spiritual strength when you nourish it with the Word. That spiritual strength is called faith. Develop that faith, and instead of your spirit being dominated by the other two areas, it will be the one in charge.

Next, bring your soul in line. Set your mind on "things above." Meditate on the Word until your thoughts begin to agree with it. Keep your attention on it until even your emotions yield.

Finally, bring your body in line. Once you truly get your spirit and soul established on the Word, that won't be hard. The body is a follower, not a leader. It will do whatever you train it to do. Begin teaching your body to act on the truth you've planted in your mind and spirit, and it will follow right along.

Don't try to walk in faith with your foot nailed to the ground. Get yourself together! Bring your spirit, soul, and body in harmony--and the Word will take you as far as you want to go.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. - Proverbs 18:21, NASB

Did you know that your words produce fruit in your life that you will partake of in the future? If you aren’t where you want to be in life today, could it be because of the words you’ve spoken in the past? Have you said things like, “I’ll never rise any higher; I’ve gone as far as I can go?” Or maybe you’ve said, “I’ll never break this addiction. I’ve had it too long. It’s too hard.” And now you are eating the fruit of your words. You’re still in the same place.

If you are ready to change your situation, then it’s time to change what you are saying about your situation. If you want a different harvest in your life, you have to change the seeds you are sowing. Start sowing words of faith and victory. Let your attitude be, “This may be the way it’s been in the past, but this is not the way it’s staying. I’m coming up higher. I may feel weak, but my declaration is that “I am strong.” When you sow seeds of life, you will reap life and move forward into the victory the Lord has in store for you!


“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!” - (1 Chronicles 16:34, AMP)

No matter what is going on in life, you can find a reason to thank God. What you dwell on is what you will draw into your life. You can either focus on your problems, or you can focus on your blessings. The question is: do you want more problems, or do you want more blessings?

One thing I’ve noticed is that when you live with an attitude of constant gratitude, not only do you thank God for what He’s done in your life, you start thanking Him for what He will do in your life. You thank Him for opening doors for you. You thank Him for increasing you. You thank Him for bringing the right people into your life. When you say “thank you” to God for the things that are coming, it’s really a declaration of your faith in Him. You are saying in essence, “God, I’m so sure of Your goodness, I’m so sure that You’re working in my life that I’m going to thank You right now for what You are going to do tomorrow!”

Friend, that’s the kind of faith that pleases God. When we trust in His goodness and believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, that pleases His heart so much. So today, have an attitude of gratitude. Let your faith say thank you. Praise Him throughout the day with a humble heart and watch what He will do on your behalf

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